Hello, RXWound,
Many times companies believe the information they are providing to new trainees is extremely clear because of their familiarity with their business, products, language, culture, and other company dynamics. It may be clear to a small set of salespeople who already work in a similar industry while remarkably unclear to others. If you are interested, I can help you with this issue.
I would love to be able to watch someone on a salescall. Is it possible for me to fly to meet one of your top sales associates and spend a couple of hours with them on a sales call? In my experience, once I can see the process and fully understand what is involved, for any sale of any product, I can then explain the process to others.
I have been working as Independent Home's top salesperson and also their national sales trainer for nearly three years. In the past, I have also worked as a sales trainer for the US government.
I would love to help RXWound develop a training manual that includes sales do's and don't in writing, which is easier for most people to understand, than videos alone. Ideally, this hypothetical manual would also include everything a rep would need to know about compliance as well. The goal is to ease the confusion new trainees, like myself, might be experiencing in their new roles. Having a tangible manual can be extremely helpful as it cuts down on frequently asked questions and text overload for managers. Even being told exactly where a video is or which print out pages should be used in a given situation can be extremely helpful.
Thank you for all you do! I'm so grateful to have had my first lead and look forward to working more leads. And, thank you for all the information currently available. You have built an amazing company and I am so excited to be a part of it. If you haven't worked with a professional sales trainer before we can be extremely helpful. Thank you!